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Patients & Visitors

Children's Therapies


Speech and Language Therapy

About the Department

The RUH has one specialist Speech and Language Therapist.

The Speech and Language Therapy service is based in the Children's Centre, Royal United Hospital. We offer an inpatient and outpatient service (outpatient service is usually for children registered with a BaNES GP only).

Specialist Speech and Language Therapy Service

The specialist therapy service offers assessment, advice, management and intervention for children with eating and drinking difficulties. We also offer a specialist outpatient service to pre-school children with complex communication difficulties and for those children attending Therapy Boost.

Other paediatric speech and language therapy services (for example, school-based and community services) are run from St. Martins Hospital.

Referrals and Appointments


The paediatric speech and language therapy service operates an open-referral system, and accepts referrals from within the hospital, parents, health visitors, GPs and other professionals.

To refer a child to the service, please contact: 01225 824220

  • Jo Williams, Specialist Speech & Language Therapist
  • Mandy Bean, Children's Therapies Department Secretary


Appointments for assessments at the RUH are sent out directly to parents by post following referral. Urgent feeding assessments may be arranged by phone. Where possible, we try to give parents 2 - 4 weeks' notice of appointments.

If you are unable to attend the offered appointment, please contact the department to request an alternative appointment. If you do not attend your appointment, and you do not contact the department to cancel the appointment, your child may be discharged from the service.

You may be required to prepare for your appointment

At your child's assessment appointment, the speech and language therapist will take a full case history. You may find it useful to bring your child's Red Book.

For feeding assessments, you will need to bring a sample of the food and drink your child normally eats and drinks, along with any bottles, cups and spoons that your child uses.

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