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Patients & Visitors

Paediatric Epilepsy

Mission Statement

Everyone Matters
We work to empower people to have a positive and healthy relationship with Epilepsy

Working Together
For continuous improvement and the best possible outcomes for young people with Epilepsy

Making a Difference
By treating everyone with compassion, respect and fairness, providing an equitable service

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Our Team

Eve Bassett Dr Eve Bassett
Paediatric consultant with an interest in epilepsy.
Toby Hunt Dr Toby Hunt
Paediatric consultant with an interest in epilepsy.
Faye Price Faye Price
Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist.
Sam Amin Dr Sam Amin
Paediatric neurologist (Bristol-based).
Jenny Ferguson Jenny Ferguson
Clinical Physiologist.
Photo pending Sarah Davis
Adult Epilepsy Nurse Specialist (Transition Clinics).

Contacts and Links

The Paediatric Epilepsy Team is available Monday-Friday, 9am to 5pm
  • By phone: 01225 82 5375

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