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Patients & Visitors

General Surgery

The general surgery team comprises 11 consultants, 2 associate specialists and 20 trainees. Between them they perform over 9,000 operations a year and see approximately 16,000 patients in outpatient clinics annually, of which 7000 are new patients.

We aim to offer surgery to patients within 13 weeks for their referral to the RUH.

We are excellent at dealing with the most commonly occuring conditions such as hernias and gall stones

The team run an emergency service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It also runs a dedicated emergency admissions ward, known as the Short Term Admissions Ward or SAU, and an emergency operating theatre.

The team has a long history of using laproscopic techniques which are being continually updated.

The surgeons work closely with nursing and other specialist colleagues in their areas of expertise operating as part of a multi disciplinary team.

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