Upper GI Surgery
Gall Stones

Surgeons Jeremy Tate and Anushka Chaudhry in theatre
At the RUH, over 90% of patients who need their gall bladder removed are now treated using keyhole surgery. This operation is called Laparoscopic Cholesystectomy.
Surgeons can remove the gallbladder without having to make a large cut on the abdomen which allows patients to recover more quickly.
Over 55% of these operations are performed as day cases by dedicated surgeons – one of the highest rates nationwide. More that 90% of patients have stated that they are very happy with this approach.
About one in twenty people however, may need open surgery or removal of gallstones that have moved into the bile duct. We have several surgeons who specialise in this procedure as well as the backup of specialised physicians who offer endoscopic (telescopic) bile duct procedures.