Upper GI Surgery
Meet the Team
The surgeons work closely with nursing and other specialist colleagues in their areas of expertise operating as part of a multi disciplinary team.
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Consultant Surgeons
Mr Krysztopik graduated from Manchester University in 1988. Later gaining an MD thesis in 1999.
He completed his surgical training in the UK (the North West and South West), as well as abroad with research in the USA (Louisville) and specialist training in South Australia.

He became a fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in 1992 and entered the Specialist Register in 2000.
Appointed to the RUH: 2001
Area of Special Interest:
Minimally invasive (key hole) surgery, including operations for gallstones and abdominal wall hernia repair.
Gastro-oesophageal surgery, such as key hole surgery for hiatus hernia repair or reflux control, achalasia and obesity surgery.
Endoscopy, using flexible cameras to examine the stomach.
Oesophageal and gastric cancer. Local lead for our team, which co- ordinates care for patients with such cancers.
Chairman of the 'South West Site Specific Group' for Upper Gastrointestinal Cancer - a group set up to discuss issues related to cancer care.
01225 82 4922
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Consultant Gastroenterologists
Dr Mehta graduated from the University of Bristol. She completed her medical and gastroenterology training in the South West.
Appointed to the RUH:
Area of Special Interest:
Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Endoscopy, Endoscopy Training and Nutrition.
01225 82 1856
Dr Benjamin Colleypriest B.M. M.R.C.P PhD. University of Southampton Medical School (1993-1998). Wessex gastroenterology specialist training rotation (2002-2009). University of Bath (2006-2009).
Appointed to the RUH:
April 2012
Area of Special Interest:
Gastroenterology. Luminal gastroenterology, biliary disease, endoscopy, inflammatory bowel disease, oesophageal reflux and Barrett's oesophagus
Contact: Secretary on
01225 82 6675
Southampton University Medical School 1982-7. University of Bath 1996-9
Appointed to the RUH:
Area of Special Interest:
Luminal gastroenterology. Endoscopy including ERCP, colonoscopy and gastroscopy. Inflammatory bowel disease.
01225 82 1856
Dr Maltby graduated from the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine in 1990. She went on to complete her specialist training in Wessex and gained a PhD from the University of Southampton in 2005
Appointed to the RUH:
Area of Special Interest:
Liver disease
01225 82 1783
Appointed to the RUH:
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Jo Price: Upper GI Cancer Nurse Specialist
Jo offers support to patients with oesophageal and gastric cancers. She works closely with all members of the Upr GI team. She aims to meet all patients at time of diagnosis and thereafter is their key worker, updating them on staging pathways or treatment plans and coordinating each patient’s pathway.
Jo can be contacted on telephone number: 01225 821453
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