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Patients & Visitors

Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care (NICU)


The Facilities

The Ward

The Dyson Centre for Neonatal Care is situated in the Princess Anne Wing in zone D2.

The unit has security doorbell entrance via intercom. The ward clerk gives access during office hours, the nursing team gives access out of hours and weekends so please be patient during these times.

Please do not let anyone into the unit when you arrive or leave, as we must have control over who enters and exits the unit at all times, for the safety of your baby.

For Parents

The 4 double en-suite bedrooms for parents are for use either when preparing for discharge home;  if your baby is very sick and you are no longer on the postnatal ward;  or, when vacant for parents who would like to stay occasionally.

Priority is given to the first 2 mentioned uses.

There is a play area for siblings and a garden for a quiet moment for parents.

The preparing to go to hospital page has important information about what to bring when you're admitted to hospital.

Lockers and coat hooks are available for parents to use, but we advise parents to keep any valuables on their person.

To help keep your baby comfortable during your stay, we encourage parents to supply nappies and toiletries.

Related Documents & information

Registration form for parent accomodation

Parent Accommodation leaflet

Accommodation code of conduct

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