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Patients & Visitors

Surgical Admissions Unit (SAU)


About  |  Contact Us  |  Care Team  |  Visitor Information

About the Ward

Surgical Admissions Unit (SAU) is a 19-bedded admissions unit, for emergency surgical admissions. It is located in Department C30 on the first floor of Zone C.

We take patients directly from the Emergency dept or from GPs where they can then go onto the operating theatre or have treatment by a surgical team. We offer pre and post op care for both minor and major surgical procedures.

We operate a direct admission pathway to the SAU. This pathway is for GP referred surgical adult patients only. Direct Admission avoids patients waiting in the Emergency Department. There is a waiting room and examination rooms on SAU.

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Contact the Ward

General Enquiries:

01225 825640
01225 825652

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The Care Team

On arrival patients are clerked and examined by the Emergency Surgical Nurse Practitioner, F1, F2 or Registrar and reviewed by the on call consultant.

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