Patients & Visitors

Axial Spondyloarthritis Service



These are a mixture of specific AxSpA mat based exercises and generic mobility exercises, please ensure you have gone through them with your Rheumatology Physiotherapist first.

These have been developed to compliment our virtual AxSpA Self-Management Programme that we deliver at the RUH & RNHRD in Bath.

Never over strain through any exercises, you should not feel any pain, if you do please stop and review with your Physiotherapist to ensure what is safe and appropriate for you.

Helpful tips:

  • Keep your body relaxed through the stretching exercises
  • Keep your breathing steady through both strength and stretching exercises
  • Be mindful of any problem areas of your body and discuss with a therapist prior to completing these exercises if you are concerned
  • Use a mat and have a head block handy if needed
  • Watch each video through at least once before attempting to practise the exercise

Exercise Videos

We are continuing to create more self-management videos, so please watch this space for further content.

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