Management Structure
Trust Governance
The Board of Directors
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust is managed by a Board of Directors. The role of the Board of Directors is to:
- Set the overall strategic direction of the Trust
- Provide effective financial control
- Ensure high standards of corporate governance
- Ensure that the Trust provides high-quality, effective patient-centred care
The hospital is managed by the Board of Directors which consists of the Chair, 8 Executives and 7 Non-Executive Directors.
- Chief Executive Officer
- Managing Director
- Chief Operating Officer
- Chief Nursing Officer
- Chief Financial Officer
- Chief Strategic Officer
- Chief People Officer
- Director of Estates and Facilities (non-voting)
![]() View the Executive Team |
![]() View the Chair & NEDs |
The Board of Directors meet in public on a bi-monthly basis and future Board of Director meetings can be found here:
Trust Governance Structure
The key Committees that feed into Board can be seen below:
The Terms of References for these sub-committees can be found below:
- Trust Management Executive (operational)
- Audit & Risk
- Finance & Performance
- Quality Governance
- People
- Non-Clinical Governance
- Subsidiary Oversight Committee
- Charities
Council of Governors
The Council of Governors are responsible for representing the views and interests of the NHS Foundation Trust Members and the general public. They have an important role in acting as the eyes and ears of the membership with regards to the quality of service the Trust provides.
The Council of Governors do not undertake the operational management of the Trust; rather they provide a vital link to the wider community, challenge the Board of Directors and collectively hold the Non-Executive Directors to account for the performance of the Board.
Governors are responsible for regularly feeding back information about the Trust, its vision and its performance to the constituencies and stakeholder organisations that either elected or nominated them.
More information about the Council of Governors can be found via the link below: