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Trust Board Papers

These papers carry a general and press embargo until after the Board of Directors meeting has been held and no discussion concerning them will be entered into until that time.

MONDAY, 22 JULY 2024, 13:00 – 16:00

VENUE: Widcombe Social Club, Widcombe Hill, Bath, BA2 6AA


All documents open in a new window


Combined Paper Pack

Opening Business

Agenda Item Presenter Attachment
Chair's Welcome and Apologies:
Paran Govender
Alison Ryan, Chair


Declarations and Conflicts of Interests Presentation
Written questions from the public Verbal
Minutes of the Public Trust Board meeting held in public on 1 May 2024

Paper 4

Action Log

Paper 5

Governor Log of Assurance Questions and Responses (for Information)

Paper 6

Appendix 1

Items Discussed at Private Board Verbal
Staff Story Toni Lynch
Chief Nursing Officer

Paper 8

Appendix 1

CEO and Chair's Report
  • ICS Update
Cara Charles Barks,
Chief Executive

Paper 9

Development of Group Model by Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust & Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust Cara Charles-Barks,
Chief Executive /
Alison Ryan, Chair

Paper 10

Appendix 1

Integrated Performance Report Alfredo Thompson

Paper 11

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

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The People We Care For

Agenda Item Presenter Attachment
Learning from Deaths Report Q3 & Q4 Reston Smith, Deputy Chief Medical Office

Paper 12

MIS Combined Maternity and Neonates Quarterly Report Q4 Kerry Perkins, Maternity Matron

Paper 13

Bi-Annual Staffing Paper Kerry Perkins, Maternity Matron

Paper 14

Quality Assurance Committee Upward Report Ian Orpen, Non-Executive Director

Paper 15

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The People We Work With

Agenda Item Presenter Attachment
People Committee Upward Report Paul Fairhurst,
Non-Executive Director

Paper 16

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The People in Our Community

Agenda Item Presenter Attachment
SIRO Annual Data Security and Protection Assurance Report Spencer Thorn - Interim Chief Digital Information Officer

Paper 17

Strategic Priorities Q1 Joss Foster,
Chief Strategic Officer

Paper 18

Appendix 1

Non-Clinical Governance Committee Upward Reportt Sumita Hutchison,
Non-Executive Director

Paper 19

Finance and Performance
Committee Update Report
Paul Fairhurst,
Non-Executive Director

Paper 20

Audit and Risk Committee Upward Report Paul Fox,
Non-Executive Director

Paper 21

Charities Committee Upward Report Sumita Hutchison,
Non-Executive Director

Paper 22

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Closing Business

Agenda Item Presenter Attachment
Any Other Business Alison Ryan, Chair Verbal

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Next Meeting:

Next Meeting:
Wednesday 4 September 2024
Pavilion Function Room, Kingswood School Upper Playing Fields, Lansdown Road, Bath, BA1 9BH

Enc – Paper enclosed with the meeting pack
Pres – Presentation to be delivered at the meeting
Verbal – Verbal update to be given by the presenter at the meeting

Under the provision of Section 1, sub-section 2, of the Public Bodies Admission to Meetings Act 1960, the public may be excluded from this meeting for such a period as the Board of Directors is in committee on the grounds that publicity would prove prejudicial to the public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

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