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Patients & Visitors

Emergency Department / A&E


Other Sources of Assistance

Our A&E department is really busy at the moment. If your injury is urgent but not life threatening, please consider your healthcare options to help us help you.

Choose Well

NHS 111

NHS 111 online can help you if you have a medical problem and you don't know what to do. NHS 111 online can make sure you access the most appropriate service for your health concern.

If needed, NHS 111 online can direct you to an urgent treatment centre/walk in centre, emergency dental service, GP, pharmacy or another more appropriate local service.

Visit or call 111.

Minor Injury Units (MIUs)

MIUs are run by experienced clinicians and are available to treat non-life-threatening injuries, such as: sprains and strains broken bones minor burns and scalds. If your injury is urgent but not life threatening you may want to consider attending a minor injuries unit instead. See link below:


Pharmacists are experts in medicines and can also help with minor health concerns, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

  • Pharmacists are trained medical experts
  • Many pharmacies have a quiet area where you can talk to a Pharmacist in private
  • You don't need to book an appointment to see a Pharmacist

Find your local pharmacy and opening hours.


If you think you need urgent dental treatment, contact your dentist. If you cannot contact your dentist or don't have one, use the NHS 111 service. If needed, urgent appointments will be arranged at an out of hours service.

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