Emergency Department / A&E |
In an emergency
Welcome to the RUH Emergency Department
High demand in A&E – please consider your healthcare options
Our A&E department is really busy at the moment. If your injury is urgent but not life threatening you may want to consider attending a minor injuries unit instead.- Paulton Minor Injuries Unit (open 8am – 7pm)
Full details - Chippenham and Trowbridge Minor Injury Units (open 8am – 8pm)
Full details
Other sources of assistance

Think 111 First
If you need medical help but it's not a 999 emergency you can contact NHS111 on the NHS111 web site or on the phone before travelling to hospital for urgent and emergency care.
So if you have an urgent medical problem, and you are thinking about going to our Urgent Care Centre or Emergency Department, please contact NHS 111 first. You don't need to be registered with a doctor and calls are free.
Experienced 111 clinicians will assess your needs and direct you to the most appropriate local service
Suspected stroke? Act F.A.S.T.
Click here to check the symptoms. If you suspect a stroke, call 999.
Suspected Stroke? Act F.A.S.T. A stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. So recognising the signs of stroke and calling 999 for an ambulance is crucial.
F – FACE: Has the person’s face fallen on one side? Can they smile?
A – ARMS: Can the person raise both arms and keep them there?
S – SPEECH: Is the person’s speech slurred?
T – TIME: Time to call 999 if you see any single one of these signs.
Also see:
Map of Hospital Location in Bath
Location of Emergency Department on RUH site