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Patients & Visitors

Respiratory Services


Sleep Service Team - Most Innovative Team 2018, RUH Annual Awards

We offer a service for patients with possible obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (snoring and upper airway obstruction associated with increased daytime sleepiness). This service is provided by Dr Rebecca Mason (lead) and Dr Sharon Sturney in conjunction with the RUH Respiratory Laboratory (lead - Geraldine O'Connell-Ramsay).

Initial assessment is usually with a sleep study (Overnight oximetry test) in addition to a sleep questionnaire and measure of daytime sleepiness (Epworth Sleepiness scale).

Following assessment patients will receive a report detailing the results and if needed snoring and lifestyle advice. If appropriate an appointment may be made here at the RUH to discuss details further. In those individuals with a clear diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome (OSAS), a referral will be made to the Bristol Sleep Unit, based at the Bristol Royal Infirmary. Those patients referred to Bristol for further assessment will receive an appointment with our physiology team to discuss their results prior to assessment.

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