Respiratory Services |
Respiratory Physiotherapy Clinics
Respiratory Physiotherapy Clinics
These clinics run on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.
Physiotherapy assessment and treatment is provided for a variety of conditions including bronchiectasis, difficult asthma, breathing pattern disorders and chronic cough. Long term self-management is a very important aspect of respiratory physiotherapy to help with managing an ongoing respiratory condition.
Respiratory physiotherapy is part of the multi-disciplinary team at the weekly bronchiectasis clinic. Joint physiotherapy and respiratory nurse specialist clinic appointments are organised during which the physiotherapy management of the condition can be assessed. This includes lung function testing, airway clearance, exercise advice and referral to pulmonary rehabilitation if indicated. At the end of each clinic a multi-disciplinary meeting is held with the consultant when each patient attending the clinic is discussed and changes to ongoing management can be implemented if indicated.
Referrals are mainly from the Respiratory Physicians and their Specialist Registrars here at the RUH but we also receive referrals from GP's.