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About Us

RNHRD Acquisition

The Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (RUH) acquired the Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases NHS Foundation Trust (RNHRD) in February 2015. All services previously provided at the RNHRD's Mineral Water Hospital site have now relocated to the RUH's Combe Park site:

Service Moved to
Bath Centre for Fatigue Services RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre
Biologics Day Case Unit RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre
Clinical Measurement – Dexa scanning Clinical Imaging & Measurement Department
Clinical Measurement – Xray Fracture and Orthopaedic Clinic
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Service RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre, with accommodation provided at Bernard Ireland House for residential programmes in December
Complex Cancer Late Effects  Rehabilitation Service RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre with accommodation provided at Bernard Ireland House for residential programmes in December
Paediatric Rheumatology Paediatric Department
Research and Development Wolfson Centre
Rheumatology Inpatients RUH inpatient ward
Rheumatology Service (including specialist and general services) RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre
Rheumatology Therapies RNHRD & Brownsword Therapies Centre
Bath Centre for Pain Services Bernard Ireland House

Careful planning, engagement and consultation took place with patients, staff and those with an interest in these services to identify and create the best new home for each service.

Why did the RNHRD become part of the RUH?

Due to significant and long-standing financial challenges the RNHRD could not continue in its current form. The RNHRD needed to become part of a larger organisation to ensure the continuation and future provision of its high quality services.

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