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Working for us

Short Placement Opportunities & Apprenticeships


At the RUH, we recognise the important contributions apprentices make to the hospital. Apprenticeships support staff development and help us to meet our workforce needs. This year, we are sharing apprenticeship stories from across a wide range of professions. Check out our social media channels for more or read below for information about apprenticeships at the hospital.

What is an apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships combine work, practical training and study. Apprentices earn a salary whilst working alongside experienced colleagues to gain job-specific skills and knowledge that meets industry-specific apprenticeship standards.

At the RUH, our apprentices’ wages are paid a percentage of the post’s actual salary. The percentage paid increases on a yearly basis until the successful completion of the apprenticeship when the full salary will be payable. This is known as Annex 21.

All our apprenticeship opportunities will be advertised on our current vacancies page - why not set up an account now and create an email alert, so you know when an RUH apprenticeship has been advertised.

Apprenticeships are available in different sectors and at different levels. They can take between 1 and 4 years to complete, depending on the type of apprenticeship and the level.

Any previous skills and experience that may be relevant to the apprenticeship could possibly result in the apprenticeship duration being reduced. The minimum duration for any apprenticeship is 12 months.

All apprentices will complete an End Point Assessment (EPA) which will be graded either pass, merit or distinction. The EPA confirms that the job skills and competencies have been achieved. We support all our apprentices towards the end of their training to access further development opportunities and jobs within the RUH.

Types of apprenticeship

Name Level Equivalent educational level
Intermediate 2 GCSE
Advanced 3 A level
Higher 4, 5, 6 and 7 Foundation degree and above
Degree 6 and 7 Bachelor's or master's degree

What apprenticeships are available at the RUH?

Here at the RUH, we offer a wide range of apprenticeships - for example Customer Service, Business Admin, Finance, Health Care Support, Healthcare Science and Engineering. To find out what it's like to complete an RUH apprenticeship, watch our apprentice stories below.

RUH Apprenticeship Story

Meet Our Apprentices


Level 3, Engineering Technician Apprentice

"There is something different to do every day. Being able to work in an environment where you are using what you learn helps a lot."


Level 3, Business Admin Apprentice

"It's very rewarding here and I feel like I make a difference."


Level 5, Healthcare Assistant Practitioner Apprentice

"My manager has been very supportive and the support I get from my colleagues is brilliant."


Level 4, Business Admin Apprentice

"I wanted to do an apprenticeship to access university. I'm now doing a degree - it's really developed me as a person."

Who can complete an RUH Apprenticeship?

You need to be aged 16 years or over to apply for an apprenticeship at the RUH. Our apprenticeships are a great first step into employment at the RUH, but can also be a way for existing staff to develop additional knowledge and work-based skills.

Below are examples of career pathways you can access through apprenticeships:

How can I find out more

If you are looking for an RUH apprenticeship, you can:

Social Media

If you are already a staff member at the RUH thinking about an apprenticeship as part of a career development pathway, speak in the first instance to your manager to seek support, and then contact the Apprenticeship and Career Engagement (ACE) Team in the Education Centre.

Contact us

The Apprenticeship and Career Engagement (ACE) Team in the Education Centre supports apprenticeships and traineeships within the hospital.

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