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Patients & Visitors

Care of the Dying

The Funeral

On this page:

General Information Alternatives to Traditional Funerals Donations in lieu of Flowers  

General Information

It is important that any will made by the deceased is read as soon as possible as it may include their wishes for his/her funeral.

If it has been decided that a cremation should take place, cremation papers need to be issued and we will arrange for our medical staff to complete the necessary form. This will be given to your funeral director.

Funerals can be expensive - the cost is normally met from the assets of the deceased person. However, do not be afraid to discuss with the Funeral Director ways of reducing the cost quoted.

If you are receiving income support, family credit or housing benefit you may be entitled to help from the Social Fund. Contact your local DSS Office.

Members of the National Association of Funeral Directors give full estimates of funeral charges and disbursements at the time of taking instructions or as soon as possible before the funeral. Disbursements include grave and cremation fees, church or ministers fees, doctors fees, flowers and notices in local papers.

A list of local Funeral Directors can be downloaded from the link below. Alternatively contact Patient Affairs on telephone 01225 824015 for a paper copy of the list.

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Alternatives to Traditional Funerals

You may wish to organise an alternative funeral as you do not have to use a funeral director. Listed are a few suggestions to external websites:

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Donations in lieu of Flowers

Making a gift in memory of a loved one is an extremely valuable way to commemorate their life. If you wish to make a donation to support the work of the RUH in lieu of flowers, a collection at the funeral or set up a Tribute Fund in their honour, please contact or send your gift to the hospital's charity, RUHX.l.

If you wish to support a particular Ward or Department, please enclose details with your donation (cheques made payable to the RUH Charitable Fund).

Bath & Wessex House (E12)
Royal United Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park
Bath, BA1 3NG

For further enquires telephone 01225 825691, email or visit

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