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Patients & Visitors

Advice & Support


The RUH offers many advice and support services for patients and visitors. Here you will find information on these services and how to access them.

Family Liaison Facilitators
You know your friends and family best, so help us help them. We aim to improve your hospital stay by listening to what can make the experience better and providing it.

Interpreter & Translation Services
Access to speech and sign language interpreter services for patients who require them.

RNIB Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO)
Information, advice and practical and emotional support for people affected by sight loss, available for people who attend the Eye Clinic and also those who do not.

Patient Transport Service
Car or ambulance transport for patients who require it due to medical need.

Community Wellbeing Hub
The Community Wellbeing Hub provides health and wellbeing services for our community and our staff.

The Carer Hub
A permanent space where carers of all ages can find information and advice that will help them in their caring role, and be signposted to further support.

Providing pastoral, spiritual and religious support for people of all faiths and none.

The Bereavement Office
The Bereavement Office provides a service for the newly bereaved families of patients who die at RUH;

Patient support and complaints
What to do if you are unhappy with or concerned about our services.

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