Advice & Support |

On this page:
The Chaplaincy Team provides spiritual and religious care to all Patients, their Carers and Families, as well as hospital staff. We respect and support people of all faiths or none, respecting their uniqueness, integrity and confidentiality. We are able to offer assistance to make appropriate contact for people of all faiths.The team comprises four chaplains and a number of honorary chaplains and spiritual care volunteers. We are always available, to offer appropriate support, to visit and to listen, please ask a member of the ward staff to provide a referral form, or contact us direct 01225 824039 or email
The Spiritual Care Centre
The Spiritual Care Centre, which opened in February 2018, replaced the former Chapel, was dedicated in April as a space for reflection and prayer.
The Spiritual Care Centre is open 24/7 and available to use by staff and, where appropriate, patients. The garden is also available 9am-5pm. The space is for anyone who is seeking quiet, reflection and, if it is your practice, prayer.
Members of the chaplaincy team are always available as a listening ear when required. We have a quiet room for confidential and sensitive conversations.
Ablution and prayer spaces are available for Muslim staff or Patients and their Families.
You are encouraged to make use of our courtyard sculpture garden with seating for a restful and peaceful environment.
The Lead Chaplain Narinder Tegally has expressed that "It is a real privilege and exciting to be in this new space and a joy to be working in this modern, purpose-built Centre, which provides religious and spiritual care to anyone with diverse needs from all backgrounds, cultures, of all faiths and none. It's a place where we can offer support not just to patients, but to Families, Carers and staff as well."
The Spiritual Care Centre is located on the intersection of Zone C & D on the ground floor of the Princess Anne Wing Corridor.
The Spiritual Care Centre is part of the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust's Fit for the Future development plan to transform the site and further improve services for patients.
Information Resource on different Religions
The following link gives information on the different faith groups and potential needs and considerations for patients and their families:
Regular Events
Daily Prayer at 8.30am - 8.45am (not Saturdays)
12.30pm: | Making space with Mindfulness Meditation We will take time to quiet the mind and sit mindfully. Led by Dr Jan Mojsa, our Buddhist Chaplain, this will be an opportunity to sit with others to create a space for wellbeing and contemplative stillness. Jan is an ordained Buddhist Chaplain who also works as a psychotherapist. As a visiting fellow at Bournemouth University she also has an interest in the humanisation of healthcare. |
1.00 - 2.00pm: | Open Space for Exploring Life and Faith Issues All welcome to drop in. You are welcome to bring your sandwiches and we will provide hot drinks. |
12.15 - 1.30pm: | Drop-in for staff to meet an chat with the Chaplains or just enjoy the peace of the garden and prayer space. Bring your lunch and we will provide hot drinks. | |
1.00 - 1.30pm: | Informal Prayers Everyone Welcome |
1.00 - 1.30pm: | Holy Communion Everyone Welcome |
12.30 - 1.00pm: | Guided Meditation Everyone Welcome |
1.15pm: | Jumu'ah (Muslim) Prayers |
3.00pm: | Sunday Worship (Christian) | |
Contact Us
The Hospital internal Line extension is 4039 or if calling the RUH from the outside, or using a mobile phone, the direct telephone number is 01225 824039.
Alternatively you can email the chaplaincy at:
In an emergency, at any time
Please contact us through the Hospital switchboard operator if calling the RUH from the outside, or using a mobile phone, the direct telephone number is 01225 428331 or by any internal phone to dial 0 and requesting the On-Call Chaplain.
Contact cards
You can also use our contact cards to request a ward visit, or give us feedback about the Spiritual Care Centre.
The Chaplaincy Team
The Ecumenical Chaplaincy Team comprises one full-time and four part-time Chaplains, supported by Honorary Chaplains and Volunteers.
![]() Reverend Narinder Tegally |
Reverend Narinder Tegally, Lead Chaplain Narinder is the Lead Chaplain, Staff Governor and sits on the Ethics Group, End of Life Steering Group, Volunteers Strategy Group, Health and Wellbeing Group, Equality and Diversity Group. She is an Associate Priest at Bath Abbey and Assistant Diocesan Director of Ordinands and the UKME Officer for Bath & Wells Diocese. She has worked closely with Ammerdown Retreat Centre on Interfaith and UKME concerns and part of the Bath Interfaith Group. She is a qualified Psychodynamic Counsellor, Supervisor and Spiritual Director. She leads lead Retreats, Quite Days, Diversity Training and Unconscious Bias Training, as well as leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land. She is passionate about addressing racism and believes the only way we can undo racism is to consistently identify it, describe it and then dismantle it. She sees this as bringing her Indian heritage, experience of the NHS, the wider church, as well as her connection to both the Sikh and Christian faiths into conversation. Narinder was born in India - Punjab and brought up as a Sikh. She became a Christian in her 20's. She is married and has three grown up daughters and three grandchildren. Before her Ordination in the Anglican Church, she was a Registered Nurse working in both Palliative Care and Mental Health for adults and young people. |
![]() Reverend Philip Turner |
Reverend Dr Philip Turner, Deputy Team Chaplain Philip is the Deputy Trust Chaplain and Freedom to Speak Up Champion. In addition to caring for patients, carers, staff and volunteers he leads training in spiritual care for GPs, consultants, nurses and therapists within the RUH and also through Dorothy House, the University of the West of England, the Point of Care Foundation and the Bristol Baptist College. In addition to working in healthcare, he co-leads Starting Point. Together with his wife, who is a Chaplain for the universities in Bath, they provide home-cooked meals for students. Prior to joining the RUH, Philip had served in Methodist, Anglican and United Reformed settings in Cambridge, Suffolk, Hertfordshire and Yorkshire. For his doctorate he research and presented papers on holiness. He has been trained in counselling, supervision, mindfulness, retreats and MHFA. |
![]() Siân Griffith |
Siân Griffith, Assistant Chaplain Siân joined the chaplaincy team as a part time Assistant Chaplain in July 2021, having previously worked here as a volunteer, and then a bank Chaplain. She is a college lecturer and mindfulness meditation teacher. Siân previously worked as a lawyer and reflexologist. She has participated in and facilitated silent retreats. She practices Centring Prayer, a Christian form of meditation, and runs a Centring Prayer group for her local church. |
![]() Robert von Hawrylak |
Robert von Hawrylak, Assistant Chaplain Robert is in formation to become a Catholic Deacon for the Diocese of Clifton. He is an Honorary Chaplain at the Bristol Royal Infirmary and Southmead Hospitals in Bristol. He has been an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at the BRI for five years. Robert runs a support group for those suffering from mental health issues at St Nicholas of Tolentino Church in Bristol. He is a Director of the Borderlands charity supporting asylum seekers and refugees. |
![]() Gareth Lovell |
Gareth Lovell, Assistant Chaplain Gareth joined the chaplaincy team as a part time multi-faith assistant chaplain in 2021. Gareth's spiritual journey began within the Rinzai Zen Buddhism tradition, where he received lay ordination in 2015 and gained the title of 'Sensei' (teacher), providing teachings, talks and spiritual support within the community. Gareth's path has since led him to being baptised into the Christian faith. As a qualified acupuncturist and mindfulness & meditation teacher, Gareth has vast experience in supporting those going through psychological, emotional and physical challenges. He previously worked as a HR Manager/Wellbeing Coordinator for a luxury health and fitness company, where he implemented many programmes to improve the wellbeing of staff and clients. Gareth also volunteered as a multi-faith chaplain at Imperial College London, providing 1:1 and group sessions to help students to manage stress and cope with challenging life events. |