Patient Experience Matters
Interpreter & Translation
Interpreter and Translation Services

At the RUH:
- we provide foreign language and BSL interpreter services for patient and carers' with language and communication needs to ensure they receive the same quality of healthcare all other patients
- when a patient or their carer needs an interpreter it does not delay their appointment or admission
- patients have a personalised approach to their language and communication requirements recognising that "one size does not fit all"
- staff to know how to book interpreters
To ensure patients are provided with the care and treatment they need, when they need it, we use telephone or video interpreting services.
Telephone and video interpreting services are flexible and easy for staff to access.
The only reasons why interpreters may need to be physically present would be for patients with a learning disability, if there is a safeguarding concern, if the patient has a mental health issue, to demonstrate certain equipment or exercises and for patients who are D/deaf or have a different communication need.
If you or your carer needs an interpreter, because English is not your first language or you are deaf or have hearing loss, please contact the ward, clinic or department you are visiting as soon as possible so staff have time to arrange an interpreter.
You can telephone us:
01225 826319
You can email us:
You can write to us:
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park