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Patients & Visitors

Patient Experience Matters

Written Patient Information Leaflets

Patient Information Patients who attend the RUH are provided with appropriate and clear, accurate and evidence-based written information to support their discussions with health professionals.

This ensures that they are informed and involved at every stage of their care, treatment and follow-up.

If you are looking for a specific patient information leaflet, please go to the webpage for the relevant service which can be found from the A-Z of our services .

Accessible Information

The RUH provides written information for patients and their carers in formats that they can understand. If you or your carer requires written information in one of the following formats please contact us.

  • Easy read
  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio


If you are unable to find the written patient information leaflets about our hospital services and care and treatment we provide please contact us:

You can telephone us:

01225 821735

You can email us:

You can write to us:

Quality Improvement Centre
Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust
Combe Park

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