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Patients & Visitors

Improving Information on Discharge

Have your say

The results of the recent Adult Inpatient Survey told us that we need to improve information provided to patients, their carers and families when they leave hospital (discharge).

Sometimes patients and their carers tell us that they don't always receive the information they need when leaving hospital. For example, information about their medication and the possible side effects, information about what they should and shouldn't do after leaving hospital e.g. driving a car, returning to work, or information about what will happen next in their care and treatment.

However, we would like to understand more about the wards that provide good information and wards that could improve their discharge information. This will help us to share good practice and support all wards to provide the information our patients and their carers need on discharge. Your answers are anonymous.

If you have been an inpatient in the RUH during the last 12 months, please tell us about the information you received on discharge, whether it was received via a discharge summary, information leaflets or verbally from a doctor or nurse.

For inpatients

If you have been an inpatient in the RUH during the last 12 months, please tell us about the information you received on discharge, whether it was received via a discharge summary, information leaflets or verbally from a doctor or nurse.

Please complete our patient questionnaire.

For carers

If you care for someone who has been an inpatient during the last 12 months, please tell us about the information you received when they were discharged.

Please complete our carer questionnaire.

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Please tell us how we can improve our website

We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.