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Patients & Visitors

Paediatric Epilepsy

Patient Information

Epilepsy information

Tests and Procedures

Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder (NEAD)

NEAD Support (Useful Contacts across BANES & Wiltshire)

Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder Leaflet

Also see these external websites:

Epilepsy Action : dissociative seizures - Non-Epileptic Attack Disorder


Mental Health & Wellbeing resources

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources Leaflet

Mindfulness and grounding exercises Leaflet

Challenging Behaviour and Sleep Leaflet


Information facts about sleep

How to create a calm bedroom

Bedroom Routines

Sleep Diet

Teens Sleep Poster

Melatonin and Sleep

The following websites offer advice about sleep:

Taking Tablets

The evidence suggests we underestimate children's ability to take most tablets - most can take small tablets from age 5-6. Children under 10 have a better chance of learning how to swallow tablets than teenagers.

The following leaflet gives tips on how to master swallowing tablets and is relevant to all age groups (including adults):

How to swallow tablets (Leaflet)

The following link also has useful resources on how to teach children to swallow tablets:

Education & Learning

Behaviour resources

Medicine Information

If your child has prolonged tonic-clonic seizure over 5 minutes long you will be prescribed a drug called buccal midazolam. This comes in a pre-filled syringe which is easily given in the child's mouth. The brands mostly commonly used are Epistatus and Buccolam.

The links below have information on how to administer the medication:

EpiStatus website

Buccolam leaflet

If you would like more information about the medication your child is taking, please visit the
'Medicines for Children' website and search by medication name under the 'Search for a leaflet' tab at the top.

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