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Patients & Visitors

Joint Replacement Surgery


Joint replacement surgery is performed to improve the quality of patients lives.

There are several reasons a joint replacement maybe advised, but most commonly this is for the treatment of Osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is an inflammatory condition that causes damage to various structures with in the joint that can cause pain and stiffness of the joint, leading to a reduction in quality of life.

This webpage has been created to provide you with all the information and resources to optimise your preparation and recovery from joint replacement surgery.

Contact Details

Philip Yeoman Ward (B41) 01225 825477
01225 825476
Advanced Orthopaedic Practitioners 07464 494004
Admissions Desk 01225 824680
01225 825368
01225 824446
Nurse Advice Line 01225 821668
Elective Orthopaedic Co-ordinator 01225 825513 or email:
RUH Therapies Department 01225 821241 or email:

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