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Patients & Visitors


Video Consultations

Patient in a video consultation on a laptop Patients may be offered the option of having their outpatient appointment via video call.

For many people, video consultations are a convenient option which saves time and money, meaning you don't need to travel to the hospital site for your appointment.

Through surveys, many patients have told us they like video consultations:

  • Almost all patients that have had a video consultation would have one again. The majority felt that the consultation was the same or better than a face-to-face consultation in the hospital.
  • Half of patients expressed a preference for a mixture of consultation formats depending on purpose/needs.
  • Patients found video consultations more convenient than attending the hospital. Patients:
    • Did not have to allow significant extra time before and after appointments
    • Only needed to take minimal time off work / school / daily activities
    • Had a more comfortable and shorter waiting experience
    • Had a less stressful experience
    • Felt it to be safer/easier where their condition reduced their ability to travel

If you have been offered a video consultation and you have a query about it, please contact the team your appointment is booked with.

For technical support, please see our DrDoctor Support Information.

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