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Patients & Visitors


Preparing for your outpatient appointment

Many patients find it helps to prepare what they want to talk about in their appointment. It can be helpful to write a list of the things you want to discuss. This could include:

  • all your symptoms
  • medicines you're taking – you can bring the medicine packets or your prescriptions with you, or take photos of them
  • any allergies you have
  • any questions or concerns
  • anything your GP has recommended you ask

You can ask someone to come with you to your appointment such as a carer, family member or friend.

Waiting times

The outpatient waiting times listed here indicate the approximate waiting time for each speciality. This wait starts when the hospital receives the referral from the GP until the point of being seen in an outpatient clinic.

Questions to think about asking at your appointment

There are a few things you can prepare in advance that will help you to get the most out of time with the health professional.

Make some notes of things you may want to ask.

Information to help you talk about your health

Attending your appointment

Information about attending your RUH outpatient appointment.


If you need an interpreter, please let the Appointment Centre know which service you need (this includes British Sign Language and lip-speakers for the deaf). This can be arranged in advance of your appointment. There is no cost to you.

Accessible Information

The RUH provides written information for patients and their carers in formats that they can understand. If you or your carer requires written information in one of the following formats please let staff know.
  • Easy read
  • Large print
  • Braille
  • Audio

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