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Patients & Visitors


Living Well

Being discharged from hospital

Your health and recovery are priority, so you shouldn't be discharged from hospital until staff decide you no longer need to be there to receive the care you need. You should be involved in planning your discharge.

How you can prepare to leave hospital

The points below are for you to consider and ensure that going home isn't too stressful for you.

Do you have any questions for hospital staff?

Do you live alone? If you live alone you may need overnight support for a little while, depending on your circumstances or needs. Please arrange this before your discharge. Some organisations and charities may be able to help. For example Age UK. You can contact them directly to arrange this by contacting:

Your GP may be able to offer advice too.

Do you care for anyone else? If you do you will need to arrange help from friends/relatives as you will be unable to manage this caring role straight after your surgery. There is information about support for carers on the RUH website:

Who will be caring for you? You will need to consider if the person caring for you will have difficulties doing this role? If so, you may need to discuss how they can get support.

Do you have enough food? Can a family member or friend ensure your fridge/freezer is well stocked for when you come home as you may not be able to go shopping straight away? Could someone you know help out with supplies whilst you are recovering.

Social prescribing

Social prescribing is an approach that connects people to activities, groups, and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing.

Social prescribing is an all-age, whole population approach available to you at your GP surgery. Social Prescribing works particularly well for people who:

  • have one or more long term conditions
  • need support with low level mental health issues
  • are lonely or isolated
  • have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing
  • feel stuck and not unsure where to ask for help

Other support

Digital Health Apps:
You are one click away from hundreds of apps that can help you with your health and wellbeing. All the apps in your Health App Library have been tested (assessed) by the Organisation for the Review of Care and Health Apps (ORCHA).
Health apps to support you
General advice and information:
BSW Together - Your Health

Bath Wiltshire Swindon
Health & Wellbeing
Help where you are. On these websites you will find local support and opportunities available.
Health & Wellbeing
Help where you are. On this website you will find local support and opportunities available.
Health & Wellbeing
Help where you are. On this website you will find local support and opportunities available.
Social Care
Social Care
Social Care
Online directory
Online directory
Online directory

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