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Patients & Visitors


Looking after yourself while you wait

The information here is aimed at helping you arrive for your appointment or for your surgery in the best possible physical and mental health.

Physical health

  • Alcohol can have many effects on the body, but importantly it can reduce the liver's ability to produce the building blocks necessary for healing. Make sure you are drinking within the recommended limits, or lower, to improve your body's ability to heal after surgery.
    Cutting back on alcohol can be a really effective way to improve your health, boost your energy, lose weight and save money.
    Tips on cutting down alcohol
  • For information and advice about how to manage your weight and to find out how much of what we eat overall should come from each food group to achieve a healthy, balanced diet.
    Healthy eating
  • If you're going into hospital for an operation, it's strongly advised that you stop smoking as soon as possible.
    Quitting smoking before an operation will reduce your chances of complications and speed up your recovery after surgery. It will also make your stay at hospital more comfortable as smoking is not permitted on hospital grounds.
    Stop smoking treatments
  • Keeping physically active is good for your body and mind no matter how much you are able to do. Find ideas and support to help you to be active in the ways that work best for you.
    Staying active
  • Unintentional weight loss is when you lose weight without changing your diet or exercise routine. It can be a sign of stress or a serious illness. It's important to get it checked if you're losing weight without trying.
    Unplanned wait loss and malnutrition

Mental health

  • Anxiety is often described as a feeling of fear or unease – and it's something everyone experiences at times. Feeling anxious is a perfectly natural reaction to some situations. Here is some advice about managing anxiety.
  • If you are feeling stressed try these self-help guides, tools and activities. They include:
    • 10 stress busters
    • Mental wellbeing audio guides
    • Exercise for depression
    • 5 steps to mental wellbeing
    • Breathing exercises for stress
    Stress busters
  • Find out more
  • If something seems wrong but you are not sure what it might mean then take a look here.
    Rethink website
  • If you are concerned about money or debt, it is normal to feel anxious or low. Find information and support to help you.
    Money worries advice
  • If you have difficulty getting to or staying asleep, you are not alone but there are things you can do that can help. Here are some ideas, information, and support.
    Sleep advice

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