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Patients & Visitors

Patient Experience Matters

Your experience matters

Share your experience

Patient Experience matters at the RUH and your feedback is very important if we are to provide a quality service which meets the needs of patients, families and carers.

We welcome your comments and suggestions about your experiences of the services provided by the RUH to help us improve.

It is also important for us to know when we are providing excellent care, we want to celebrate and recognise the things our staff do well.

Tell us what you think

Friends and Family Test (FFT)

FFT is a way for you to provide anonymous, real-time feedback about the service you have been using.

Other ways to tell us about your experience

Say thank you and offer a compliment

If you would like to say thank you to a staff member, team or department, we would love to hear from you so your thanks can be shared with them. Please complete the form below:

Maternity Birth Reflections Service

The Birth Reflections Service is provided by midwives to allow women or couples to explore their birth experience and give them the opportunity to clarify events. The feedback is used to facilitate positive changes in maternity care by identifying areas we can improve and by recognising what we are doing well.

Websites and social media

Click on the links to find out more:

Talk to us on social media:


You can tell our Patient Support and Complaints team about your experiences of the RUH.

You can telephone us:

01225 825656

You can email us:

You can write to us:

Head of Complaints,
Quality Improvement Centre (D1),
Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust,
Combe Park,
Bath, BA1 3NG

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Please tell us how we can improve our website

We are currently developing a new website for the RUH, and we'd appreciate your feedback.

Please take a moment to fill out our survey and help us build a website fit for the future.