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Patients & Visitors

Family Liaison Facilitators

Sending gifts and messages

RUH shop

The RUH shop sells a host of essentials including newspapers, cards, toiletries, snacks, drinks and books and is run by volunteers who donate all profits to the trust. We can help patients to make orders from the shop themselves or you can order for a loved one. If you wish to pay for items from the shop for a patient, this can be done over the phone via card payment.

Call: 01225 824183
  Monday to Friday: 8am - 6pm
Saturday to Sunday: 11am - 4pm

Please note orders need to be over £5 when over the phone.

Amazon lockers / bespoke gifts

You can choose to have Amazon orders delivered directly to our on-site Amazon lockers. This way we can pick up gifts and deliver them to your loved ones. See below the guide to using our Amazon lockers:

  1. Go to - pick the items you would like to send and add them to your basket as normal. Proceed to checkout once you are happy.
  2. Under delivery address select 'nearby pick up locations'
  3. Search for the RUH address BA1 3NG.
    Then select the option: 'Amazon Hub Locker - frey'
    (a box may appear asking if you have access to the lockers - tick this box as you are able to access them)
  4. Complete your payment. Amazon will send you delivery details and updates. Please then contact us if you wish for us to deliver your order to your loved one - we will need the code that Amazon send in order to do this.
    You can contact us by texting or calling us on 07825 573365 or 07900 775259
    You can also email us at

If you wish to pick up your order yourself you will find the lockers opposite the café in area B18.

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