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Patients & Visitors

Advice & Support

Patient Transport Service

We ask patients to make their own travel arrangements to and from the hospital, but in special circumstances the NEPTS provides ambulance transport for patients who require it due to medical need. For example, patients may require medical assistance during the journey, which means public transport, is not an option for them.

All patients who request NEPTS will be assessed against the National Eligibility Criteria, which you can read in full here.

How to book Non-Emergency Patient Transport (NEPTS)

In Bath and North East Somerset and Wiltshire, E-zec Medical Transport Services provide NEPTS.

  • If you are registered with a GP in Bath and North East Somerset, you will need to call the local Patient Transport Advice Centre (PTAC) on 01278 727425 between 8.30am and 6.30pm, Monday - Friday to check whether you are eligible for NHS patient transport, and if you are, PTAC will book your transport. You will need your NHS number when you call
  • If you are registered with a GP in Wiltshire, you will need to call the local PTAC on 01278 727410 between 8.30am and 6.30pm, Monday - Friday to check whether you are eligible and to book. All calls to the PTAC will be charged at standard geographic call rate and will be recorded for training and monitoring purposes


If you are registered with a GP in Somerset please contact the Somerset Patient Transport Advice Centre 01278 727444. Available 08:30 – 18:30.

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