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Patients & Visitors

Staying in Hospital

Going Home

We start planning for your discharge as soon as you come into hospital and so should you.

The key is to get you back to your own environment as quickly as it is safe to do so. This is better for you and will aid your recovery.

Sometimes, hospital is absolutely the best place for you to be to have your medical or surgical needs met. But when you no longer need hospital care, a hospital bed may not be the best place for you to be.

You may require some form of support after leaving hospital, it can be helpful to think early on about what the journey to recovery will look like:

Help us help you leave Hospital

We encourage you to be a partner in your healthcare and one way you can get more involved is to ask four key questions when you are in hospital:

  1. What is wrong with me?
  2. When will I leave hospital?
  3. What is going to happen to me today?
  4. What do I need to do to leave hospital?

These questions are a starting point for you and your family to think about your care. If you find yourself staying in hospital, we are encouraging you to ask those four key questions to help start a conversation about your ongoing health needs and the support that may be necessary to help you, your friends or relatives to leave hospital sooner.

Ongoing care and support after a stay in hospital

Many of the people we care for leave hospital and receive additional care and support in a different location, or additional support in their own home.

This can include:

You can find more information on the support that you can find in your local communities to help your onward recovery here:

Discharge Lounge

If you are ready to leave hospital, but are waiting for medicines to take away, transport, or packages of care that start later in the day, you are likely to be asked to wait in our Discharge Lounge (Building E6). This is a safe and welcoming space, staffed by nurses to continue to look after you while you wait.

While you are in the Discharge Lounge you can enjoy hot and cold drinks, meals and a selection of entertainment. If you are being collected by a friend or relative, they can use the free, dedicated parking spaces just outside.

Transport home from Hospital

Studies have shown that getting home during daylight hours make a real difference to how you settle in and from this we aim to get you home by 10am. If you are due to be leaving hospital we ask that you make arrangements to leave for home by 10am. This also means we can use your bed for the next person with clinical needs.

When thinking about going home please consider what transport arrangements you need to make. Transport from the hospital can only be arranged in exceptional circumstances where there is a clinical need. Wherever possible you are required to make your own arrangements by 10am on the day of discharge.

Home First

Home First means a safe and timely discharge with support and assessment at home. You can read more about Home First on this leaflet.

We are working together to minimise your hospital stay and maximise your independence.

  • Be prepared to go home at short notice
  • You will be given the necessary medication, equipment and any advice leaflets that are appropriate to take away with you
  • Once you have left hospital if you have any questions or concerns please contact your GP

Tell us what you think

Tell us about your experience of being discharged from the RUH.
Discharge Questionnaire

Our comments and complaints page offers further information about patient support and ways to contact us:

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