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Patients & Visitors

Staying in Hospital

Going to Hospital

Health care today provides many opportunities to find solutions to your needs but this means it can feel complicated and confusing at times. Staff will help you whenever and wherever they can.

You and those caring for you are part of a team and therefore you are invited to contribute to your care at any time.

We have tried to answer most of the questions we anticipate you may have in this section, from preparing for your hospital stay; what to expect during your stay on the ward; information for your visitors, your medication and finally going home.

We also cover your rights, health & safety, identifying our staff and infection control. The links above will take you to the appropriate sections.

Personal belongings

If you have not been able to bring personal belongings into the hospital yourself, please take a look at this advice for loved ones about items to bring when visiting.

Personal belongings to bring when visiting


If you need an interpreter, please let the ward know which service you need (this includes British Sign Language and lip-speakers for the deaf). There is no cost to people in our care.

Dementia Care

dementia flower

People who have dementia may be cared for in any area with the Trust. Our aim is to provide the best quality care and experience for our patients their families and or carers. We try wherever possible to involve patients with dementia and their carers in all aspects of care.

Find out more

Learning Disabilities and/or Autism

If you or someone you care for has a learning disability and/or autism, there is assistance available:

  • if you, or the person you care for, needs patient information in Easy Read/picture format
  • if you  would like to visit the unit or hospital to look around and meet staff before you come into hospital
  • if you would like to discuss any issues that concern you

Please contact the Learning Disability Liaison Team on:

Or click below to find out more:

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Leaflets for people with learning disabilities

Easy Read documents to support a person with learning difficulties to access hospital.

If you or the person you care for has a Passport to Hospital Care, or sheet with personal information written down, that will help staff care for a patient better because we will be aware of their personal needs, please make sure you bring the information into hospital and give it to staff to put in the patient records for the hospital stay, so we can provide the best possible care.

Passport to Hospital Care - Learning Disability

Passport to Hospital Care - Autism

COVID-19 Hospital Passport to accompany Patient's Hospital Passport

My Hospital Visit

Questions to ask your doctor

Going to the Emergency Department

Single Sex Accommodation for Inpatients

Safeguarding Adults

Having your blood pressure taken

Having a Blood Test

Having an ECG

Having your vision checked

Having a Day case Operation

Having a General Anaesthetic

Having a Hip Replacement

Having a Pre-operative Assessment

Having Dental Surgery

Coming to outpatients

Having a Blood Test (for outpatients)

Having a Plaster Cast

Having a CT scan

Having an MRI scan

Having an Ultrasound scan

Having an X-ray

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Autism Links and Information

Autism Spectrum Disorders: Beyond the basics

NINDS Autism Information Page
(National institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke)

Autism Patient information
From the British Medical Journal Group

Information sheets and leaflets
Available from the National Autistic Society Helpline

Autism spectrum disorders from the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network
Booklet for Parents and Carers

Inclusion development programme: supporting pupils on the autism spectrum information

Easy Read Information about Autism
Provided by BILD

You may also like to look at:

If you have any other questions or concerns about the care and attention you are receiving, please discuss this as soon as possible with the most senior person on duty.

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